Innovation – the technical advantage

The technology for the sustainable use of renewable energy is developing rapidly. SEV is therefore committed to innovation and participates in the development of more efficient and location-oriented high-tech processes. As a member of the South Tyrol Car Sharing Consortium, SEV is working on a comprehensive charging infrastructure for electric cars and collects data and, as a partner in the “E-Tyrol” project, is gathering data and experience on regional e-mobility.

Cheaper electricity for smart customers: with its project partners Syneco GmbH and Etschwerke AG, SEV is investigating the electricity supply systems of the future in the context of the “Smart Grid Initiative” backed by the South Tyrol provincial administration. Power grids have previously only been used for the transmission of electrical energy, but their utilisation will significantly expand in future, as efficient supply of renewable energy is not possible without smart networks.

Conventional power plants can be controlled at the push of a button: this is not the case for wind, solar or water energy. The solution: “smart” networks to ensure information flows between suppliers and customers. Energy suppliers can then forecast needs and control loads, while consumers can make savings by concentrating consumption on off-peak hours.
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