ENTSO-E Annual Conference 2016

Datum: 08.12.2016
Uhrzeit: 8.30
Ort: Hotel Plaza, Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126, Brüssel
The Energy Union For You

It is the citizen, the customer, who is on the move in Europe’s energy landscape. Change is now! But what does it look like and what’s in for you? How to deliver on sustainability, while maintaining the market in power?
Just now, at the year end, the European Commission comes out with some proposals to change the Third package, emphasising in particular the customer. ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity will see its role further enhanced, very much like ACER does. For ENTSO-E there is a natural priority on the implementation of network codes, the rules of the game of the European electricity market. But there is also the need to profile electricity regions and to support the active customer paradigm, together with other stakeholders, most notably with the distribution system operators.
All this happens in a politically uncertain context of limited support to the European project, post-Brexit. At the same time, Europeans citizens want to see an Energy Union, a common European energy policy. We expect the European Commission to go for smart and light regulation proposals to maintain its determination to deliver the Energy Union.
ENTSO-E’s 2016 Annual Conference aims to deep dive into the next steps of the Energy Union. The event is THE opportunity to compare visions and the implementation reality of market design, the future of smart cities, the infrastructure implementation challenge, regional cooperation and the question: what’s in it for the customer?

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